Did you know you can join the Australasian Procurement and Construction Council (APCC) to access quality engagement and resources? NZGP is a member of the APCC, and this membership extends to other government agencies. Its focus is on collaboration, leadership and bringing together different levels of governments across Australia and New Zealand.
Matt Perkins, Chief Advisor, NZGP said, “APCC offers agencies working in government procurement a fantastic opportunity to be part of a trans-Tasman community. The ability to build our procurement expertise, engagement, capacity and capability through a government lens.”
APCC offers special interest groups (SIGs) for construction and asset management, and strategic procurement. There are several working groups and interactive roundtables within these groups. In addition, the strategic procurement SIG has three sub-groups: digital procurement platforms, ICT commercial strategies and social services procurement.
If you’re interested in becoming a member, or want to find out more about APCC, email us.